SUNFIXINGS was founded in January 2011 and has been active in the solar industry since the very beginning. Over the course of its existence, it has established a stable position with an upward trend as a trusted leader in the design, manufacture and supply of quality solar photovoltaic mounting systems. The guiding principle of SUNFIXINGS is quality, continuous flexibility and innovation.
Structural elements are an indispensable part of every photovoltaic power plant. They fix the panel to the roof and are specifically designed for the individual roof types.
As standard, we stock structural elements for gable tile roofs. For all other types of roofs we supply on order, but with short delivery times.
SUNFIXSINGS components are characterised by quick and easy assembly and simple handling, thanks to their low weight and modular construction.
Material: drawn aluminium - significantly lower vibration (e.g. at higher wind speeds) and stronger than stainless steel.
The hooks can be placed up to 2.5 metres apart, which easily saves time, material and labour (installation is quicker and easier) = saves money from many angles.
Aluminum Z Sun Cross Connector, which is used to connect rails perpendicularly or to anchor rails to the smooth roof surface.
Colour: silver
Dimension 40x40 mm
Tightening rate: 25 Nm using a 13 mm wrench
DATASHEET for Cross Connector: HERE
Datasheet for download HERE