Energie získaná ze slunce je nevyčerpatelným zdrojem elektrické energie, kterou fotovoltaická elektrárna umí přeměnit tak, abyste ji mohli využít pro vlastní spotřebu v domácnosti / ve firmě. Fotovoltaická elektrárna je tvořená z několika částí – jednotlivé komponenty pro stavbu FVE najdete v jednotlivých sekcích. Záruční doba je specifická pro každý výrobek.
Pokud si chcete ušetřit čas a zajímáte se o stavbu fotovoltaické elektrárny na klíč, zajistíme za vás vše potřebné – stačí nás kontaktovat na www.greendrop.cz a my už se o Vás postaráme.
IN STOCK AT THE SUPPLIER The three-phase voltage converter Huawei SUN2000-12KTL-M2 can be used in companies, buildings or larger households due to its performance.
IN STOCK AT THE SUPPLIER The three-phase hybrid inverter GW5K-ET Plus+ with a very fast switching time (8ms) also functions simultaneously as a UPS - backup power source. It stands out for its compact size and weight. The package includes a 3f smartmeter with current transformers and a wifi module.
IN STOCK AT THE SUPPLIER The three-phase hybrid inverter GW6.5K-ET Plus+ with a very fast switching time (8ms) also functions simultaneously as a UPS - backup power source. It stands out for its compact size and weight.
IN STOCK AT THE SUPPLIER The three-phase hybrid inverter GW8K-ET Plus+ with a very fast switching time (8ms) also functions simultaneously as a UPS - backup power source. It stands out for its compact size and weight.
IN STOCK AT THE SUPPLIER The three-phase hybrid inverter GW10K-ET Plus+ with a very fast switching time (8ms) also functions simultaneously as a UPS - backup power source. It stands out for its compact size and weight.
IN STOCK AT THE SUPPLIER The GoodWe GW17KT-DT inverter is lightweight and easy to install. Using the settings, you can also limit the active power of the inverter simply on the LCD&LED screen. Communication via WiFi and RS485 allows you to monitor your system for free from anywhere in the world.
IN STOCK AT THE SUPPLIER The GoodWe GW20KT-DT inverter is lightweight and easy to install. Using the settings, you can also limit the active power of the inverter simply on the LCD&LED screen.